Senin, 07 Juli 2014

Upuinai tavu

Upuinai Tavu from Tanimbar
Origin: Tanimbar islands, South West Mollucas, Indonesia.
Material: Wood.

Contact: 0818182628 (HP)

The fertility statue 'upuinai' is a deity statue of the earth/moon. Fertility statues are female statues in the form of a "tree of life" and than carved in such a way until it has an anthropomorphic form, where the whole surface is covered by carvings of the symbol of fertility (spiral). The spiral form is undoubtedly the most dominant decorative motive and is found on practically all statues in the region. Both arms stretched to the left and right and the tips of her fingers are flames of fire. Included in this classification are also the fertility carvings. Very fine and beautiful spiral carvings carved on a flat wooden surface.

This item is very rare, even it is very likely that there is only few of this in Indonesia. We only have one with high quality such as this.